Recent Storm Photos from N Dallas TX
Most all these photos were taken in the last 72 hours or specifically on May 8th,9th and 10th of May 2015 Today, May 12 2015 One of our local lakes, Ray Roberts, was 6' from spilling over the flood plane, requiring the Army Corps and Engineers to open the flood gates since the gates were built in 1957! We have had so much rain here in TX that the low water conditions had dried up many lakes and ponds, most of which we all depended on for water! Since the beginning of May, we have seen so much and so fast, there are other large lakes already at full pool, which requires one lake to dump into another, and another, etc. True, there is stranger weather patterns going on all over the globe, snow, floods, high winds, in places that had not seen in years. These changes as a result of "global warming" or Cloud Seeding, or what ever you want to call it, A huge hole in the earth spewing out so much trapped methane gas or North and South poles melting off frozen underwater poc...