Building this site for Disaster Recovery Assistance for our neighborhood watch and community awareness!! Will add more links to the page and spruce it up for enhanced reading as the links are updated. http://www.redcross.org/tx/dallas-fort-wort http://stormcenter.oncor.com/default.html http://www.wfaa.com/weather http://www.srh.noaa.gov/fwd/ This website was offering up to 3000.00 off the cost of a new safe house inside or outside your home. The initial applications for the rebate were gone at midnight of June 6th 2013, so apparently this news was out long before and there were others aware of the program who filled these applications within nanoseconds of the release date. Our hope is, that they provide additional grants over time, as we all know the outcome of the recent Oklahoma tornados, for those of us living in tornado alley, it's never too late to protect your self and your loved ones. http://www.nctsaferoom.com/