Spine For Rent
SPINE FOR RENT? The lost art of decision making. by Blaine Pardoe Decision making has become something of a lost art in the corporate world. There are a lot of reasons for this, but all seem to have one thing in common: to make a decision, good or bad, has risk associated with it. Why not simply make good decisions? Well, people who make decisions sometimes make the wrong ones and, as a result, suffer at the hands of weak-minded upper management. Because of this, many managers and employees are in-bred thinking, "It's better to make no decision than a wrong one." There seems to be a disparity in some companies when it comes to decision making. Pardoe's Fifth Law of Grossly Incompetent Management is this: "The bigger the bad decision, the less impact on your career." There is also the corollary to this law: "The higher you are in the management food chain, the bigger the mistake you are allowed to make." (Hey, I don't claim to understand why th...